Missions Class Ideas for Kids – Mission Aviation

In the previous post I talked about how my husband and I helped with a summer missions class for the grade-school kids in our church. It was great fun to help plan activities and crafts for each week…the kids enjoyed it so much and learned a lot! Go here to read more.

For the week that we featured mission aviation, we talked about current Mission Aviation Fellowship missionaries that our church supports in Africa. My husband did a presentation using pictures from that missionary family, as well as pictures that he took on a mission trip to Brazil. The kids loved seeing pictures of airplanes and the runways where they land.  They learned why airplanes fly and who they help.  If you want more information on mission aviation pilots, you can look here.

During craft time, we used the kid’s activity book that MAF has on their website. You can download it here. Kids can pick from mazes, word finds, decoding, or just color in some of the airplanes. We had ages from kindergarten to fifth grade and everyone was able to find something to do. If you want some more activities and coloring pages, you can find them here.

The missionary from the past that we talked about was Betty Greene, the first pilot that flew the first MAF flight.  She was able to transport two Wycliffe missionaries that needed to reach Mexico.  You can read about her here.

Of course, we finished out the time by praying and singing our song, Be a Missionary Everyday.  🙂


Types of Missionaries – Missionary Pilots

I was recently talking about different types of missionaries with my kids because I want them to know about all different types of mission work. I realized that there might be parents out there that are only familiar with a few types of missionaries. So, I have decided to write a series of posts that will help grownups and kids both learn more about the types of mission work being done around the world. I will try to include links to websites where you can find missionaries with these jobs. I will also try to include activities that families can do that tie into that type of work, when possible.

First up…

Missionary Pilots

(Photo from http://ntm-aviation.org/photos)

There are missionary pilots serving all over the world. They normally fly in countries where there are people groups that are difficult to get to (like Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Philippines, etc.). They usually live near a base, where the planes or helicopters are kept in a hangar, and they fly out to villages and remote areas when needed. Many times, they can do a flight in an hour or two that would otherwise take days. They help all kinds of people:

  • Doctors taking vaccines or medicines to remote locations
  • Local people who need emergency care or transportation to a hospital or clinic
  • Missionaries that are working to translate the Bible into local languages in villages
  • Local pastors that are traveling and preaching in different villages
  • Missionaries that need supplies

Here are just a few websites that include information about missionary pilots. Take some time to read about a few…some have their own blogs or newsletters that you can subscribe to.

(Photo from http://ntm-aviation.org/photos)

Want some activities for your little aspiring pilots?

  • Look up countries like Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Philippines on a map or puzzle of the world
  • Make paper airplanes and watch them fly. Have a competition to see which one goes farthest.
  • Look up take-off and landing videos on missions websites like the ones above. Imagine landing and taking off from the small, slanted, grass runways!

(Most of the links in this post are to direct you to another source of information.  There are, however, a couple of affiliate links and Families for Missions might receive a small commission if you click on those and make subsequent purchases.)