How to Engage Your Family: Shows About Kids From Other Countries

If you are looking for a great educational program for your kids and entire family to watch, I have found a treasure! One day during quarantine I was looking on Amazon for something interesting for my kids. I stumbled upon a program that is super interesting and is free for those with Amazon Prime. It is called The Most Dangerous Ways to School. (Links in this article are affiliate links.)

Your family will learn about a different country in each episode. The show highlights the challenges that children around the world face as they journey to school. I found it interesting that it also discusses the climate, housing, food, and other information about the country where the child lives.

The first season’s episodes take you to Kenya, Nepal, Oymyakon (Russia), Peru, and Himalaya, but there are three seasons available. (Please note that programs on Amazon may change in availability without notice.)

During the second season, you will learn about Nicaragua, Mongolia, Mexico, Ethiopia, and Papua New Guinea.

Season 3 takes you to the Philippines, Colombia, and Bolivia.

How our Family Engaged with this show:

Our family has watched most of these episodes and we have tried several different ways to engage:

1. We take advantage of talking about how privileged we are and how easy it is to get an education where we live.

2. We discuss any missionaries that live in the country that is featured.

3. We talk about if we have been to the country featured.

4.We get out the globe and make sure we know where the country is located in the world.

5. We convert the temperatures mentioned from Centigrade to Farenheit so that our kids will understand and have a frame of reference.

6. We look up plants and foods mentioned, using the internet, to find out what they are.

What ideas do you have? Have you seen this show before? I would love to know what you thought of it!